Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture INSTCODE POL029Adrress: Pomologiczna 18, P.O. Box 105, Skierniewice - 96-100, POLANDTelephone: (48-46)332021 Geographic Coordinates: 5158-- N Latitude 2001-- E Longitude 0 m Altitude |
Botanical Garden of Vilnius University INSTCODE LTU010 Adrress: Kairenu 43, LT - 2040 Vilnius, LITHUANIA Telephone: (370-2)317933 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5441-- N Latitude 2514-- E Longitude 150 m Altitude |
Research Institute for Pomology, Ltd. INSTCODE CZE031 Adrress: 507 51 Holovousy, CZECH REPUBLIC Telephone: (420 435) 92121 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5037-- N Latitude 1557-- E Longitude 321 m Altitude |
Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture INSTCODE LTU006 Adrress: LT-4335 Babtai, Kaunas district, LITHUANIA Telephone: (370-37) 555210 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5501-- N Latitude 2308-- E Longitude 56 m Altitude |
INSTCODE LTU005 Adrress: LT-2021, Zaliuju ezeru 49, Vilnius LITHUANIA Telephone: (370-5) 2711618 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5475-- N Latitude 2525-- E Longitude 140 m Altitude |
INSTCODE SWE002 Adrress: P.O. Box 41, S-230 53 Alnarp, SWEDEN Telephone: +46 - 40 - 53 66 40 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5539-- N Latitude 1305-- E Longitude 12 m Altitude |
Scottish Crop Research Institute INSTCODE GBR048 Adrress: Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, U.K. Telephone: +44 1382 562731 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5647-- N Latitude 030--- E Longitude 0 m Altitude |
Horticulture, Plant Production Research, MTT Agrifood Research Finland INSTCODE FIN016 Adrress: Toivonlinnantie 518, Piikkiö, FIN-21500, FINLAND Telephone: (358)-2-4772200 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: ----- N Latitude ------ E Longitude - m Altitude |
Kainuu Research Station, MTT Agrifood Research INSTCODE FIN017 Adrress: Kipinäntie 16, Sotkamo, FIN-88600, FINLAND Telephone: (358)-8-6661741 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: ----- N Latitude ------ E Longitude - m Altitude |
Federal Agency for Varieties (Bundessortenamt), Prüfstelle Wurzen INSTCODE DEU610 Adrress: Torgauer Str. 100, 04808 Wurzen, GERMANY Telephone: E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: ----- N Latitude ------ E Longitude - m Altitude |
Latvia State Institute of Fruit-Growing INSTCODE LVA015 Adrress: Graudu Str. 1, Dobele, LV - 3701, LATVIA Telephone: +37 163 722 294 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5639-- N Latitude 2312-- E Longitude 0 m Altitude |
Fruit Growing Research Station Cluj-Napoca INSTCODE ROM034 Adrress: str. Horticultorilor nr. 5 CP 1-86, Cluj-Napoca 3400, ROMANIA Telephone: - E- mail: - Geographic Coordinates: 4635-- N Latitude 2325-- E Longitude 300 m Altitude |
Fruit Growing Research Institute Maracineni-Arges INSTCODE ROM009 Adrress: Comuna Maracineni 0312, DC 703 K, Arges 0312, ROMANIA Telephone: 0040-248-278066 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 455--- N Latitude 2414-- E Longitude - m Altitude |
Department of Horticulture, Fruit Breeding Balsgard, Swedish University of Agricultural Science INSTCODE SWE013 Adrress: Fjalkestadsvagen 123-1, Kristianstad, S - 291 94, SWEDEN Telephone: (46-44)75041/75042 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5602-- N Latitude 1401-- E Longitude 0 m Altitude |
National Fruit Collections, Imperial College at Wye INSTCODE GBR030 Adrress: Brogdale Farm, Brogdale Road, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8XZ, U. K. Telephone: (44-1795)590272 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 512--- N Latitude 0052-- E Longitude 0 m Altitude |
Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University INSTCODE DNK024 Adrress: Bülowsvej 17, Frederiksberg C, DK-1870, Denmark Telephone: (45)35282828 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 550--- N Latitude 120--- E Longitude - m Altitude |
Polli Horticultural Research Centre (Estonian University of Life Science) INSTCODE EST012 Adrress: Polli, Karksi-Nuia, Viljandi county, 69104, Estonia Telephone: +372 43 31443 E- mail: Geographic Coordinates: 5807-- N Latitude 2532-- E Longitude - m Altitude |